What should you remember before starting a writing blog?

I got you. You can write, and you also want to do a writing blog just like what I do; however, you don’t know what the basics are. Here is my advice then.

Choose a good topic.
Your topic should give a solution or should have a learning insight. If you want to write about yourself, it should contain an insight wherein your readers can learn from. Don’t just expose yourself. The readers will not waste their time reading an article talking all about you. Remember that we are in a world where problems always arise. Give a solution to the problem then.

Be simple with your article.
You are not writing to please your high school English teacher or your college writing professor. You are writing for the common audience. Make your write-up simple. Albert Einstein said, “If you can’t explain it simply, you didn’t understand it at all.” So, keep it simple.

Keep your post short.
No one likes a lengthy article unless it is worth reading for. Keep your post short. If your point can be written with just a hundred words, why to turn it into a thousand? The shorter the better.

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Avoid grammar mistakes.

Avoid the obvious grammar mistakes. Your post will be read internationally. If you want your readers to know that you are credible enough to write, perfect your grammar. Master the subject-verb agreement, the use of tenses, and whatever basic or advanced grammar you should be adept at.

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Have a regular posting.

How often should you post? Take this experience from me. You post every day. Why? It is because you are still making a name in the blog industry. Let your readers recognize you, along with your writing credibility.

I know that you will be zoned out. You have to think of a good topic. You have to make sure that your write-up has quality content. You have to double check your grammar. Plus, you have to reread and reread your write-up.

They are part of being a newbie in blogging. However, from the time you notice that the number of your readers is increasing; you will see your effort as worth it.

Use the social media.

Don’t presume that the readers will search your URL and read your post. You have to promote it with the use of social media. We have facebook, twitter, google plus, pinterest, linked-in and what not. You use the every possible resource.

What should you remember before starting a writing blog?   What should you remember before starting a writing blog? Reviewed by MarkandCharish on 4:51 PM Rating: 5

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