No to bad and curse words.

The words which come out from one's mouth show how his thoughts run. Words bear meaning. Even the single letter "a" and the longest word in the dictionary
"pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis" have for themselves the meaning that they bear with. But, why it becomes so prolific in our age that uttering bad words and curse words is quite becoming normal to say. If the words of mouth mirror what lies underneath one's mind, so uttering bad and curse words can suss a hypothesis of a mind filled with filth.

I am always annoyed with the person whose mouth can't hold its dirty words. I often set a space to a person who is fond of saying bad and curse words. It is not that I hate the person but it is because I just don't want to hear such words. I just have that belief from my background as a seminarian that bad words and curse words are not from heavenly. Moreover, words are so powerful that they can build or tear a relationship. There will be psychological effect to a person who often hear bad words and curse words. The bad words and curse words will then be imprinted in his mind which build self-demeaning factor to himself. Let's say your parents always brand you as worthless. This would break you down and make you feel worthless to yourself.

In addition, saying bad words and curse words is the work of the unwise. A wise person has a control over his emotion and words. Even though you aren't angry every time you say bad words and curse words, let's say you're just used to say them, but still, having no control over the words that you use is the way how unwise person says. If you have nothing to say good, then say nothing at all. It's better to be quiet than unleashing the words that would destroy your relationship with others.

Our life here on earth is just fleeting. So, build a good foundation with others. Remember that your choice of words would either tear down or build up your relationship with others. It's just a matter of choice and control. Be wise over your words.
No to bad and curse words. No to bad and curse words. Reviewed by MarkandCharish on 9:15 AM Rating: 5

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