LDR: What is a commitment?

Before you choose to risk your relationship in a long-distance situation, make sure that both of you are committed. Many couples in the long-distance relationship shatter because in the very first place they don’t commit to being loyal.

Loyalty keeps the girl. Loyalty keeps the man. But, with this world full of temptation, it is so difficult to be loyal. Our eyes fall from the temptation of erotic images. Our flesh is so weak to fight back the call of cheating. However, when temptation comes, you have something in your conscience that tells you “You are already committed to her.” Your commitment to your partner will always haunt you when you are starting to fall from temptation.

What is a commitment? Commitment is the promise to do something. It is also the promise to be loyal to someone. If in the very beginning you both said that you will be loyal to each other, do it. No real man runs from his promise. You release your words. Then, don’t be coward to do it.

To fall in love is a chance. To stay in love is a choice. But, a choice will never be a choice if you are already committed. It will be a priority.

LDR: What is a commitment? LDR: What is a commitment? Reviewed by MarkandCharish on 6:10 PM Rating: 5

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