How to understand Philosophy much faster?

I struggled to study  metaphysics, epistemology, rational psychology, and other mind-boggling philosophy subjects taught in the seminary. It’s hard and tiresome. I say it. So, for want to help any philosophy students who struggle the same as I had before, here are the things I did when I was still studying philosophy. How did I understand philosophy much faster?

Be serious to logic.
Logic – the science and art of correct thinking. This is fundamental in studying philosophy. Before you delve into the deep study of truths and principles of being, knowledge and conduct by the aid of your reason, master first the science and art of correct thinking because here you can know how to draw a conclusion without committing a fallacy.

Read the book twice.
Don’t go inside the classroom empty handed. You will never understand what the teacher is talking about. I learned from my mistake when I was still a second-year seminarian. I entered the metaphysics class without reading my book. The effect? I went out the class after shift without knowing anything.

And, it was a disaster because every topic in metaphysics is interrelated. You will find the proceeding topic hard if you don’t understand the previous one.

Listen to your teacher.
You understand a little from your reading? Let your teacher help you. Let him widen your understanding.

I know you find it hard to understand philosophy in your first and second reading. But, your teacher understood it. Listen then to his explanation.

Write what you understand.
80% of what you learned from class will be remembered when you put it into writing. I said this because we do the output of philosophy through writing. Philosophy is about thinking. But, our thoughts are fleeting. What I did was that I fished every insight I learned. I see to it that everything that I have learned from my subject, I wrote a reflection even a little.

Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4.
Read twice the book. Listen to your teacher. And, write a reflection. Even how challenged the student is in philosophy, he will surely understand even a little.
How to understand Philosophy much faster? How to understand Philosophy much faster? Reviewed by MarkandCharish on 6:28 PM Rating: 5

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