Cause of Relationship Break-ups: Pride.

I was intrigued to write about the causes of relationship break-ups because of the conversation we had yesterday, 9th of November, Wednesday with my co-work mate. It’s about the break up with her husband. I really didn’t know the details but her reason is this: pride.

: a feeling that you respect yourself and deserve to be respected by other people
: a feeling that you are more important or better than other people
: a feeling of happiness that you get when you or someone you know does something good, difficult, etc.

•    Being able to work again gave him his pride back.
•    Getting caught cheating stripped him of his pride.
•    Pride would not allow her to give up.

From the definitions above mentioned, pride, for me, can be both positive (the first -- as long as you are worthy to be respected by others because you also pay respect to them, and the third definition) and negative (the second definition) in a relationship as long as it’s in the middle.

What I mean of this is that it should not be too much that a partner of yours seemed choked. It shouldn’t also be less that you have no respect for yourself. Both the too much or the less pride are dangerous in a relationship.

However, when we talk about pride as something to do with one’s ego where the partner is always submissive to the prideful one's will, this cannot be good in a relationship. It is because a relationship is all about understanding and compromising. It’s about your ego and the other person’s ego understanding and compromising each other.

If pride is the one taking control in a relationship, it will never last.

If all we want in a relationship is to make our partner fit according to how we want them to be, the relationship will never really work. We have to understand that our partner is another person with a unique personality different from us. We have to love him/her for what he/she is.

This might be what happened to my co-work mate's break-up with her husband.

What do you think are the other causes of relationship break-ups? Please, comment.
Cause of Relationship Break-ups: Pride. Cause of Relationship Break-ups: Pride. Reviewed by MarkandCharish on 9:40 PM Rating: 5

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