"Is God good?": A Reflection

War. Famine. Typhoon. Flood. Earthquake. Hurricane. Volcano. Tsunami. Epidemics. Is God still good despite all of these? I am a great believer in God. I love him with all my heart, mind, and strength. But, when one of these calamities strikes and gets the life of my loved one, do I have the reason to blame God?

God gives everything and He gets everything. I learned this from the book of Job. But, why does God allow this to happen? Why does He want His people to suffer? What is His Divine will? Why?

I read the Bible, and this is how I understand it. Disasters and calamities came through to human after the fall of Adam and Eve. The whole Earth was covered by the flood at the time of Noah because of man’s sinfulness. Is calamity caused by sin then?

Or, do we just have to pay what we did to mother Earth? They say that God can forgive but mother Earth cannot forgive. We cut trees to build homes, to have parking lots, to widen the roads, to answer the over populated number. The effect is we have floods. We made weapons to protect ourselves. The effect is we have wars. However, God, by His Divine concurrence, allows all these things to be made by man. Why does God allow man to do such things? Why?

According to Saint Augustine, God allows evil to happen to draw a greater good out of it. I understand this greater good as the moral good. St. Augustine wanted to tell us that we can still be happy in the hands of God despite being crushed to the ground by the calamities. How pitiful then the fate of man.

I heard the lamentations of the people who were stricken by the calamities. What good can be drawn from it? I know I am wrong. I know that I cannot know the will of God. I know that I am not thinking as Godly. But, I still love the Lord. Let His Will be done anyway. God is still and always good.

God allowed evil to happen to him. He allowed the creatures to hang on the cross the Creator. But, in this evil came the most wonderful good happened to man, the redemption. Thank you, Lord.

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"Is God good?": A Reflection "Is God good?": A Reflection Reviewed by MarkandCharish on 12:29 AM Rating: 5

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