"The Omnipotence Paradox": A Reflection

The Omnipotence Paradox goes like this. Can God make a stone which he himself cannot lift? If God cannot make a stone which he himself cannot lift, then he is not that omnipotent. On the other hand, if God can make such a stone, but then, he cannot lift it, at the same time deemed him as not omnipotent.

I have to make it clear that "making" implies that it is "something" and not "nothing". You cannot make "something" which is totally "nothing". And, God cannot make "nothing". He can annihilate "something" but not make "nothing". Like, for example, a square circle. A square circle is simply "nothing" and outright impossible. A square is definitely not a circle and a circle is definitely not a square. Thus, a square circle is totally and outright "nothing".

Now, reverting to the paradox, such a stone is totally and outright "nothing". First of all, it is because such a stone is contradictory to the essence of God. God cannot be omnipotent and not omnipotent at the same time under the same respect. In another manner, if that stone exists, it will necessitate an infinite mass for its infinite weight and that God, let’s say, is inferior for it to lift. However, infinite mass is and will not exist all because it implies an infinite number. An infinite number is just abstract just like any finite number. Moreover, a finite added with another finite will only result to a finite. So, for me, infinite mass with an infinite number is just a description and not something existing and so simply nothing. Such a stone is "nothing". And, as what I have said above mentioned, God cannot make "nothing" only "something".

"The Omnipotence Paradox": A Reflection "The Omnipotence Paradox": A Reflection Reviewed by MarkandCharish on 10:59 PM Rating: 5

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