Infinity and Beyond

Don't find love. Let love find you. I have been on a year-long journey of tracking the way to religious life in the Order of Augustinian Recollect. I was a seminarian, and that's it - was. Yes. I was. For five years, all I thought was I would end as a priest, serving His people while donning the white, long garment with black belt we called the habit, and presiding a mass, having an apostolate, and doing other Church services. And, I was totally happy at that time. I have no regret for it.

But here came the twist of my life. When I was a pre-novice, a year away to take a vow, I was assigned to a small island in Palawan for a month. Two of my brothers and I stayed in a humble convent. We gave catechism to schools, both in elementary and high school. We taught the folks about BEC, Basic Ecclesial Community. We taught songs to the choir and everything you could think of a work of a servant of God.

People loved us very much. My premonition was that our life would be that challenging and a quite uncomfortable because we were away from our known lifestyle. But I was wrong 'cause people in the area provided us everything necessary we needed. However, this is not the story I want to talk here.

In the second week of our stay there, I met a young maiden whom I was really fascinated. Indeed, she's very lovely. All I thought in my mind was that I met the girl I liked to marry. I courted her. To make this short, we became the so-called young couple. She became my girlfriend. I knew this was not right for I was still a seminarian. My dilemma started. My mind fought my heart. But, all I can say when it comes to love, we are all dumb. Our mind always receives a low score in terms of decision making. My heart won. I went out the seminary, sought for a job, and now is living on my own in a simple room in Baguio near to my workplace. Happy and wishful for forever.

I am in Baguio and she is in Palawan. We are in a long distance relationship for about a year now. This kind of relationship needs really a tough heart. I love her. And, I am promising her that forever is in us. God's guidance is in us. I am very thankful that every time I felt lost and tempted to quit, she's always there reminding me to be strong.  I love you so much bhe.
Infinity and Beyond Infinity and Beyond Reviewed by MarkandCharish on 9:21 AM Rating: 5

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