How to be productive at work?

All company demands productivity in their employees’ performance. Therein, they set a probationary period to know whether within that given time the trainee has improved or has gone the otherwise.  To be productive is to do or to achieve a lot by working hard and getting good and quality results. But how? It is easy to say I want to be productive but living up maintaining this goal is quite hard to do. Then how to be productive at work? Here are the lists on how I turn my productive mentality into reality and achieve good results.

1. Make a SMART planning.
SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-bound. I learned this when I was still in the seminary. It is more feasible to have a plan which can really work than think of many others that just hover around in the world of undone. Set a plan which is SMART.

2. Have the determination to start and finish
what you’ve planned.
Be determined. You cannot achieve the result of your plan without even starting it. Start doing it. Moreover, many people easily surrender when they see their plan fails. If this happens, you can take a rest but still maintain that determination to work it again until it’s done.

3. Smile.
This is very important. You have to set your mood into a happy ambiance. Smiling while working increases the percentage of a better result. I do smile every time I have a task. And, it improves my performance. Our feelings have a great influence towards our work.

4. Ask for feedback.
Just to share my experience when I still started writing. My work is soiled with red ink. My brothers in the seminary indirectly look-down me as their editor-in-chief by comparing my bloody write-up to their minimal correction. But, to my surprise, the priest who edited our works much more praised mine than theirs. He said I am a good writer. This flattered me. I didn’t expect him to say it to me since I got the most terrible correction.

Asking for feedback improves every performance. It is not something horrible to avoid. You know your flaws and so, in the long run, will give you precautionary schema when you do another task. Your task may have plenty of mistakes, but don’t let them paralyze you. Learn from them instead. 
How to be productive at work? How to be productive at work? Reviewed by MarkandCharish on 5:49 PM Rating: 5

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