Communication is what we need.

Are you in a long-distance relationship, and having a struggle of settling it into assurance? Communicate and be open.

I have been scrolling the net and searching for a record of how to keep our long-distance relationship on the same page. Many said trust, commitment, and much more extra spice to keep the love ignited. But for me, based on my experience, the one that is should be in the pinnacle list is communication. The two of you must have a regular communication. Of course, I am counting as I say this that you are both founded and with commitment before you choose to stay apart from each other. This article is to just keep the chain still in contact.

For a year of not seeing each other, having no skype or any channel that we can communicate not just in voice but also in sight, no communication even a day really put me miss her crazily.

Communication is the core ingredient of how to keep the chain strong. Without communication, you don't know where already your relationship is. You don't know whether there is still a reason to keep holding the relationship. There are many negative thoughts that will pop up your mind. You might think, "Why is she not responding?" "Does she still love me?" "Is there any man that is flirting her?" Sort of these thoughts will really pop up into your mind and make you crazy.

Well, many of these dilemmas have been encountered. But, thanks to the Good Lord, we handled both by not ending the night without reconciling. Yes. One more important thing that a long-distance couple should remember. We did this. So you can also do. Don't end the night without reconciling and fixing your problem. You both open what you feel about your situation. Your partner will surely understand you. And, love you more for what you feel towards her and to your relationship. She will say that you really miss her so much. Oh! I almost forgot. Remember to always keep your voice down. It will help to keep the atmosphere in control and calm.
Communication is what we need. Communication is what we need. Reviewed by MarkandCharish on 9:20 AM Rating: 5

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