LDR: Activities we did.

You may be apart from each other but this doesn’t hinder the party to be boring. Being in a long-distance relationship for a year now, here are the activities we did to fire up some laughter and enjoyment in our relationship even if we are a mile-away from each other.

Share your story.
This does not mean you have to talk about Grimm’s fairy-tales. Just share about what you felt on that day, what struggle you made, the plans you have for your relationship future, break-up stories of your friends that you don’t want to happen in your relationship. Just be open to each other.

Sing a song.
We both love to sing. There’s nothing surpasses the voice of your love singing on you. Every time I felt sad, I asked her to sing for me. She did the same. She asked me to sing for her. So, I sang a song to comfort her and to ease her sadness.

Have a fight.
This is not what you are thinking of. You don’t need to raise your voice and be mad to your partner. There was an instance when we fought for "who loves the more". Of course, she didn’t say I am. It’s always she that loves the more. In the same manner, I didn’t also say she loves much more than me. This fight lasted for a month or more I guess. It just ended when she conceded as I said that I love her more because I went out from the seminary ‘cause I chose her. 

Play a game.
We don’t need to be close to each other to play a game, although it is more fun. We played “Pinoy Henyo”. This is a Filipino type of game where you will guess what the one is thinking of.

We also played an alphabet game (I don’t what’s the name of this game. But, it goes like this. Let’s say I am X and she is Y.
                      X: Ant. Y: Ant, Bat. X: Ant, Bat, Cat. Y: Ant, Bat, Cat, Dog…
We just repeat everything from the start until we reach letter Z. The one who can’t remember the sequence loses.)

We also played another word game. We will change a letter of a word so that it will become another word.
For example, the word is “COOL”. I can say COAL. She can say COAT.
We will change a letter of the last word mentioned. The one who can’t name another word loses. 

Say pick-up lines and love quotes.
Girls love pick-up lines and love quotes especially if they are from their crush or loved one. I remembered every time I told her some pick-up lines and love quotes, she asked me for more. So I searched the net.

Send gifts and letters.
When I asked my girlfriend what she liked to receive from me, she always said letters. However, for a man who loves his partner from the other side of the globe, letters are just part of the package. I sent a teddy bear, necklace, perfume, and many others. I also studied making crochet bonnets and teddy bear. They love gifts that you personally made.

LDR: Activities we did. LDR: Activities we did. Reviewed by MarkandCharish on 6:04 PM Rating: 5

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