How to be a good writer?

Writing is a basic skill that every student should know. They are taught on how to write the alphabet, on how to construct a sentence, until they are taught on how to compose a paragraph and later taught on how to make a speech. Writing is basic that everyone should know because this is another form of communication. Aside from the words of mouth, ink and paper can also give a wonderful thought.

But, how to be one? I once asked this question when I was still in my high school years. I love to write but as if I didn’t have enough skill in writing. I didn’t give up. The same from all other skills, writing can be learned.

These were what I did to develop my writing skill.

I read a lot. Reading is the whetstone of writing. It is a skill that needs a teacher. You can’t hire one but you can buy, borrow, or scroll the internet. We are in the age of information. There’s no excuse that you shouldn’t read.

Master the grammar.
There’s no good writer with bad grammar. This is essential. I struggled from this but I didn’t stop studying. I want to be a good writer. So, I never stop honing my grammar knowledge.

Ask for correction.
Don’t be afraid of red ink. This can help you to develop your writing skill. If correction is something you fear of, awful to say but you can’t learn. It can’t kill you. Whatever can’t kill you will only make you strong.

Do correct practice.
They say practice makes perfect. But, I say correct practice makes perfect. Practice writing correctly regularly. You do a journal or whatsoever you like to write as long as it is regular. But! As you write, be mindful of your grammar. Check it as many as you could until for you, it is good. After that, seek for correction. 

How to be a good writer? How to be a good writer? Reviewed by MarkandCharish on 6:17 PM Rating: 5

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