Is there forever in an LDR?

Forever means for an endless time; for all time; at all times. Can the couple in a long-distance situation attain this?

Yes! That’s my answer. Forever is not something both couples should wait for. It’s a goal that they should work for. And, if it is about work, it is as well about effort.

“There’s no forever.” It’s a trending say of mouth. But, we should remember that there are many couples who departed this world still together with each other. It only means there’s forever in a relationship.

If there’s no forever with your best friend’s love life, does it also mean there’s no forever on yours? If most couples failed in their relationship, does it also mean that your relationship will also fail? It doesn’t follow. Where’s the logic with that conclusion?

Now, for LDR, can it attain forever?

In science, work means force times the distance. The farther the distance, the harder the work it does. You plus the effort you put into your relationship; well, forever is attainable. You might be a mile apart from each other. But, if both give effort, distance is just a factor that makes your relationship grow fonder.

Forever is about work. It’s about the effort you put into it. Whatsoever kind of relationship without both couple working will never last. You work on having a regular communication. You work on sending gifts to your LDR partner. You work on making her happy. You work on surprising her. You work. You work on your relationship. And, you will attain the happily ever after.

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Is there forever in an LDR? Is there forever in an LDR? Reviewed by MarkandCharish on 5:51 PM Rating: 5

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