Does God exist?

This is the question that is disputed and defended by many thinkers and movers of thought.

When I was still in the seminary, I learned the plentiful proofs of the existence of God. I learned the five ways of Saint Thomas Aquinas, the Ontological proof of Saint Anselm, Descartes’ reasoning, and much more I failed to remember.

Does God exist? I am one of the million thinkers and movers of thought who want to know if my faith in a Supreme One does not go to waste.

So, does God exist? Yes. God does exist. I give this answer not because of my faith as a Catholic, not because of my background as a seminarian, not because I am a great believer in God, not because I have read the Bible, but because I bear the reason to do so.

I begin with this premise. The One we call God is a Supreme Being. If He isn’t the Supreme One then He can’t be God because there could be other One more supreme than Him. In addition, a Supreme Being cannot just be an idea that my mind thinks of. A reality is better than an idea. A Supreme Being cannot just be an idea. He must exist as real Being representing the idea. God, therefore, exists.

Moreover, everybody has a concept of Divine. I am not the only who has in my mind the Divine we call God. It is a widespread thought that one and all think of. Why do we have that? Isn’t it because man is designed to worship a Divine? Isn’t it a call from God that the human being He created in His image and likeness acknowledge Him and worship Him? God must be there somewhere calling each person to worship Him.

The whatsoever reason we have made to prove God’s existence, it would never assure the salvation we desire of. What for me is important is that our reason to believe in God must correspond to the action we do to our brethren. Reason and faith will only remain as an idea if and only if it is not done in the reality. The best prove of God’s existence is action. God is Good all the time. Do we want to prove God? Do good deeds to our brothers and sisters. There then people who see you witness your reason and faith in God.

Does God exist? Does God exist? Reviewed by MarkandCharish on 5:45 PM Rating: 5

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