Memory of My Visit.

We’ve been in the long distance relationship for about a year and five months now. And, if you ask me what’s the status of our relationship, all my mouth can utter is strong and healthy. Yes, our mountain-and-sea apart from each other does not peter our love for each other since the time I confessed my love to her and she said yes to me.

Last January 30, 2017, we saw each other again. I took a one-week leave of my work and traveled almost a day just to see her. However, time fleeted so fast that the week long vacation with her seemed to be just a minute or two. But, it didn’t matter to me ‘cause everything was worth it. Not a second was wasted. The memory that we banked together heightens my love for her. It gives a stronger reason that she is indeed the girl of my prayers, the girl who will be the mother of my kids, and the girl I will always love even wrinkles of old age razes her beauty.

Now, I can’t wait to see her again. She will visit me this coming May much longer than my last visit to her.

Perhaps, you ask me what keeps our long distance relationship works. The formula only boils down to trust and loyalty. Remember that loyalty keeps the girl, and trust erases all the worries you have in mind. What’s the point of entering into a relationship whether in a long distance or not if you don’t trust your partner and you are not loyal?

Everybody wants to ruin your relationship. There are discouragements but if you trust and you show your loyalty to each other, no one and nothing could stop the flow of fire in your relationship. 
Memory of My Visit. Memory of My Visit. Reviewed by MarkandCharish on 6:27 PM Rating: 5

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