Answer to the allegation against the Catholic Church: Apostacy

I had an encounter with a Mormon missionary when I was sitting pretty at the store of Nanay Mariter, a Legion of Mary member, on the 3rd of December, Saturday. It was an intense exchange of words from her side and of course, from my side.

It is always the same allegation against us, Catholics. She batted our belief in having the statue of the saints. I explained to her about why we have that.

On our later short debate, I asked her of the very doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints  or what people commonly called as Mormon. She didn’t tell me about their doctrine, but she handed me a pamphlet instead.

In the evening, when I was ready to sleep, I glanced upon the pamphlet and took a time to read it. To my surprise, I was alarmed as I read that after the death of the twelve chosen apostles, there came the worldwide apostasy. Apostasy is the abandonment or the renunciation of a religious belief.

Who with a right mind would believe this? Does it mean that Peter and the other apostles did not ensure that the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ handed to them in His lifetime had been preserved by their successors?

If I were one of the apostles, knowing that I need to preserve everything I have been heard from the Lord so that the Truth of the Gospel is still the same Truth that the next generation will receive, I would ensure that my successors still get the one and the same teachings of the Lord.

There’s no apostacy that had happened to the Catholic Church, the only Church that our Lord Jesus Christ had founded. No abandonment and no renunciation had happened. The Truth that the twelve apostles received from our Lord Jesus Christ is still the same Truth that we are hearing now.

Going back to the text in the pamphlet, since the world was in the terror of apostacy, Jesus appeared to Joseph Smith and told him to scour the world from apostacy by [founding another church]?

I have a question to this ridiculous claim, why would our Lord Jesus Christ found another church to clean the world from apostacy knowing that of the world’s total population of Christianity, there are 50% Catholics?

Our Lord is forever faithful to His bride, the Roman Catholic Church. He will not abandon His bride. He will never abandon the Church that He once founded. He will not build another church just because the members of Church he once founded repeatedly commit sin. He loves His bride, and this we should believe.
Answer to the allegation against the Catholic Church: Apostacy Answer to the allegation against the Catholic Church: Apostacy Reviewed by MarkandCharish on 7:56 PM Rating: 5

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