Dream of the ambitious writer: Swagger

: a way of walking or behaving that shows you have a lot of confidence

•    He swaggered into the shop like he owned the place.
•    I, too, would swagger if I’d won first place in the bowling tournament.

Our mind is another world, and that world will only have you unless you write it. 
                       -    Mark Anthony Cabanes

There’s no such thing as an empty mind, just an empty paper. We bring with us our own world, but this individual world of ours has only one dweller.

This is my idea of being a writer; that same as you, I have a beautiful world in my mind, but this world has only me. It’s so boring. It’s so lonely. I dream that others could dwell with me even a minute or two. So, I write. I write until the world of the unseen thoughts come alive in words.

However, along with this dream is the out of swagger feeling. I have no gut to show the world that I can write. I have no confidence to tell that behind the red-inked corrections of my articles is the sleeping best-seller writer. I am so little to let the crowd see among them the tiny boy whose writing dream is so big. I want them to know that I am not just taught on how to hold a pen and paper in school. I want them to know rather that with pen and paper is the world so wonderful and beautiful.

Do I give up despite all of these? No! I write the more. Right after the corrections are the point to ponder mistakes that I have to avoid. Mistakes are normal because we are normal.

Normal people know that they are crazy. They know that they commit mistakes, yet from the world of Alice in Wonderland, best people are above normal (Best people are bonkers.) They let their crazy ideas make a difference. They turn their mistakes into one of a kind stepping stones for success. I want to do the same.

No! I do the same.  I might be crazy. I might be a bonker. I might be full of mistakes. I might be too ambitious. But, I can write. I know I can write, and I will never stop writing. I am not yet that swagger to claim the title of the best writer. When that time comes, I see to it that I achieve it because I deserve it.   
Dream of the ambitious writer: Swagger Dream of the ambitious writer: Swagger Reviewed by MarkandCharish on 5:37 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Reading.. 5/23/2018... Now, I fully understood master. haha!


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